Saturday, September 3, 2011

"A Gift A Day"

Welcome to "Angel Lightworker, Journal of a Lightworker." My name is Judy McKenna and I have been working with angels for a long time.

A Lightworker is, and I quote Doreen Virtue, "someone who deeply cares about the world and feels compelled to help others." I worked for nearly 30 years as a Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse and called on my angels to assist me every day.

When I retired I began to study metaphysics and my angel studies have opened new avenues of expression for me.  I have been blessed to have amazing teachers and mentors like Elizabeth J. Foley and Jackie Eaton. Each day brings new people and enriching experiences into my life. I am surrounded by loving and caring angels, family, especially my son Billy, and friends that have encouraged me on my present path. I am very blessed.

My angels are my constant companions along with the Blessed Mother and Jesus. They have shown me unconditional love and guidance with each step that I take. Each day is "a gift a day" for me and I hope to share my gifts with you.

As I begin this journal, I invite you to follow along as I discover new and amazing people, places and experiences. I hope I can impart to you the angel messages that I receive so they may enrich your lives as they have mine and those that I love. Thank you for visiting "Angel Lightworker" and it is my hope you will return.

Many Blessings... Judy


  1. Hello Lovely Judy. What a wonderful surprise to find you have started this blog, and are taking this step to sharing your energy with a wider audience. I look forward to reading your future posts and seeing you this fall. :-D

  2. Hello Judy

    Your words are lovely and filled with so much inner peace. I can agree with you completely that our angels are here to help and guide us along this path of life, encouraging us to do all the things that make our lives richer. I look forward to reading all of your future posts and thank you so much for allowing us into the inner you.
