Monday, September 5, 2011


Today, I give thanks to Archangel Gabriel for guiding my thoughts and my hands as I type this. Angels are God's messengers. Each has their job to do. Gabriel's job is to help people express themselves. She is know as the "Communication Angel" and she's been working with me for a long time. By the way, I refer to Gabriel as 'she' because that is how I see her. She announced the birth of Jesus to Mother Mary. She works closely with Mother Mary helping women with conception, child birth and raising children.

As I give her thanks, I am guided to ask you to go within today and speak to your inner being. Sit in a quiet place and imagine yourself going back to the house you grew up in. If it wasn't one particular house then just imagine yourself sitting at the bedside of that little person that is you. The first time I did this was very emotional for me but, it gets easier over time. Imagine holding your 'tiny' hand in your hand as you are now. What would you say to this little you? Would you tell him or her how much you love them? Does she (he) need to hear this? Would you say "don't be afraid, I will take care of you?" Whatever you say while you are with your 'little you' will be very healing for both of you. Sometimes you'll just need to listen to what 'little you' has to say. These are revealing moments about our own inner needs and desires. Allow Archangel Gabriel to guide you in this inner journey. Her energy is gentle and loving and her color is golden copper. When you work with her you may see this color in your daily life and it's your message that she is with you. When you have to speak your truth, call on Gabriel.

This little meditation gives us a chance to go back and heal things from our pasts that affect our lives today. After all, in order to move forward in life, we need to heal and let go of past hurts. Our creator put us here to be happy and enjoy this beautiful earth and the people around us. September is here and as the leaves start to fall, what better time to shed our old hurts and old ideas? We can use this time to release the unwanted and open our hearts to new and exciting ideas, people and places. When we let go of the old we leave a space that can now be filled. What would you want to fill it with? You now have a chance to fill the newfound space with your desires. Explore your inner feelings and create a new you!

The angels are here to help us. They won't interfere with our lives, unless we ask. So, think of the possibilities! Imagine having your own team of angels to help you! What would you create?

Thank you Archangel Gabriel for guiding my thoughts today and I ask that you bless all those who read these words. I wish you all... Angel Blessings... Judy

Saturday, September 3, 2011

"A Gift A Day"

Welcome to "Angel Lightworker, Journal of a Lightworker." My name is Judy McKenna and I have been working with angels for a long time.

A Lightworker is, and I quote Doreen Virtue, "someone who deeply cares about the world and feels compelled to help others." I worked for nearly 30 years as a Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse and called on my angels to assist me every day.

When I retired I began to study metaphysics and my angel studies have opened new avenues of expression for me.  I have been blessed to have amazing teachers and mentors like Elizabeth J. Foley and Jackie Eaton. Each day brings new people and enriching experiences into my life. I am surrounded by loving and caring angels, family, especially my son Billy, and friends that have encouraged me on my present path. I am very blessed.

My angels are my constant companions along with the Blessed Mother and Jesus. They have shown me unconditional love and guidance with each step that I take. Each day is "a gift a day" for me and I hope to share my gifts with you.

As I begin this journal, I invite you to follow along as I discover new and amazing people, places and experiences. I hope I can impart to you the angel messages that I receive so they may enrich your lives as they have mine and those that I love. Thank you for visiting "Angel Lightworker" and it is my hope you will return.

Many Blessings... Judy